Service Orchestration
Network Automation, service orchestration, software defined networking are all recently emerging concepts for operator networks that will make the cost and the pace of developing new services much more affordable. However, integrating those new services with your current portfolio, or developing those services with a view of smooth, seamless integration with other operators’ services, are not trivial undertaking.

Open Network Automation Platform
Large scale service delivery requires a comprehensive automated environment of not only the network functions themselves, regardless of whether they are physical or virtual, but also the business support systems. While platforms exists to orchestrate and automate the network service design and lifecycle, such as ONAP, the integration of orchestrated software defined services into the overall business portfolio requires careful thinking and deployment, in order to build a seamless experience for the end customers.

More and more, cloud services and network services are combined to make a hybrid solutions fulfilling the customer business requirements. The days of a single provider being capable of satisfying the customer needs with a single, integrated proprietary solution are long gone, and in today’s ecosystem, those providers succeeding are those building their solutions with interoperability at the forefront of their mind.