Enterprise Services
Whether you need to devise your strategy, assess your options, and define your action plan, or you want to evaluate a particular solution, drive its implementation or adoption, we will help you. Understanding the cost of your ongoing operation, looking at where savings could be realized without compromising your business objectives, outlining a strategy for its evolution and delivering on it are the typical steps of an engagement.
Complex, international, simple and straightforward: what matters is the eventual impact for your business.

Strategic Consulting
Strategic is about doing the right things, while management is about doing things right. Whether you need to consolidate an operation, transform your business processes, or adopt new technologies, innovation and collaboration are the corner stones of your success story.
People, processes and tools are the logical order of priority and focus for any project. Understanding the expectations of the executive team, and the aspirations of the working team are necessary to outline actionable strategies and implement solutions. Once the task at hand is defined and understood by all, the business process can be defined, or enhanced. Tools and technology are then brought to bear to make it efficient and affordable.

Business Process Automation
More and more business processes require the integration of disparate functions and tools. Legacy systems and tools have become part of the “way of life” and may not be challenged, making the definition and adoption of new business processes difficult. Orchestration approach allows to focus again on the business process, and integrate with the legacy environment in a seamless manner.
Once the new process is launched, behind the scene systems and tools changes can occur without disrupting the on-going operation, thus facilitating the evolution of the services and the realization of the business objectives.
A process formalizes the tasks and choices that people carry out to achieve a goal. Automation introduces tools that can effectively complement the people in the successful execution of the process.

Expense Management
Recurring expenses are typically an area where substantial cost savings can be uncovered.Telecom services, whether fixed line voice, mobile, data services, or Internet of Things appliances have all become a must-have in today’s business world, and a major area of recurring expenses. A disciplined approach to ordering, inventorying and invoice validation is essential to controlling the cost of telecom services. Compounding it with the rapid paced technology evolution, it is becoming increasingly difficult for non-experts to assert whether their costs are under control, and delivering the right value and services.